Member Benefits

Fast-track your financial success with a Pursue Wealth Membership.

Your membership benefits

Fast-track your financial success with a Pursue Wealth Membership. Every membership level offers exclusive, ongoing benefits and personalised support from our team of experienced financial advisers.

Our flexible plans are designed to accommodate your dreams both now, and into the future, giving you full control over the level of benefits your lifestyle demands.

Access added benefits with our hub of professionals

Ensuring you receive the right financial advice and support is our number one priority. That’s why we’ve built a team of trusted professionals who are each specialists in their own field, including:

  • Mortgage broking and debt management 
  • Commercial insurance
  • Domestic insurance
  • Property buying advocacy 
  • Estate planning
  • Taxation
  • Accounting

No matter what your goals and dreams are, as a Pursue Wealth member you have access to a dedicated team of experts to ensure you always get the best advice.

Become a member and achieve your dreams.

Limited Membership

  • Annual Investment Review
    Formal review held in our office

  • Access to Pursue Wealth team

  • Availability to external technical specialists, if required

  • Periodic client newsletters

  • Special offers and updates

  • Invitations to seminars where appropriate

Full Membership

  • One Annually
    Formal review held in our office

  • Access to Pursue Wealth team

  • Availability to external technical specialists, if required

  • Periodic client newsletters

  • Special offers and updates

  • Invitations to seminars where appropriate

  • Priority access to a financial adviser
    within 12 working hrs of initial contact

  • Quarterly monitoring and rebalancing of investments

  • Direct equities updates & corporate actions

Platinum Membership

  • Two Annually
    Formal review held in our office

  • Dedicated Pursue Wealth Adviser

  • Availability to external technical specialists, if required

  • Periodic client newsletters

  • Special offers and updates

  • Invitations to seminars where appropriate

  • Priority access to a financial adviser
    within 4 working hrs of initial contact

  • Quarterly monitoring and rebalancing of investments

  • Direct equities updates and corporate actions

  • Initial estate plan completed by our chosen solicitor *

  • Basic tax return with our chosen accountant per annum *

  • 1 x advice document every year

  • Complimentary iPad mini

Conditions Apply. Advise not provided by Consultum Financial Advisers Pty Ltd

Optional add-on to your Membership:  Quarterly or monthly budgeting and cashflow management

" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Phasellus hendrerit. Pellentesque aliquet nibh nec urna. In nisi neque, aliquet vel, dapibus id, mattis vel, nisi. Sed pretium, ligula sollicitudin laoreet viverra, tortor libero sodales leo, eget blandit nunc tortor eu nibh. Nullam mollis. Ut justo. Suspendisse potenti." Jo Thompas

Become a Pursue Wealth member and achieve your dreams.